Free Western Sahara

Western Sahara is an occupied country situated in North Africa, it is surrounded by Algeria, Mauritania and Morocco. It is a sparsely populated area renowned for its huge desert landscapes and abundant phosphate reserves. Currently, it is being illegally occupied by Morocco.

History & How problems arised?

Western Sahara was historically inhabited by native tribes, and from the late 19th century until 1975, it was a Spanish colony; therefore, the name "Spanish Sahara." Midway through the 20th century, disagreements over the territory's status arose, sparking regional hostilities and diplomatic squabbles.
The Polisario Front, an organisation dedicated to Sahrawi independence and self-determination, and Morocco are the two parties in conflict over Western Sahara. There was a brief conflict between Morocco and the Polisario Front after Spain left the region in 1975 and both Mauritania and Morocco asserted control over it. Later, Mauritania dropped its claims, leaving Morocco as the de facto occupying state in charge of the majority of the area.

What’s happening currently?

The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), which is acknowledged by numerous nations and the African Union as the legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people, was established by the Polisario Front in 1976 as the government-in-exile for Western Sahara. Morocco, however, asserts control over the entire area and regards Western Sahara as a natural extension of its borders.
Humanitarian problems have resulted from the battle over Western Sahara, notably the eviction of thousands of Sahrawi refugees who were living in camps in Algeria. The Saharawi people aren’t allowed to go back to their country and those who still live in occupied areas are being sexually assaulted, tortured and murdered. Through the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO), which was founded in 1991 to promote a referendum on the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination, the UN has participated in peacekeeping operations. Due to differences over the terms and conditions between Morocco and the Polisario Front, the referendum has not yet taken place.
One of the richest fishing waters in the world is located in this region, and Morocco and several other EU countries are currently abusing it. Impressive mineral riches are included in the Western Sahara's natural resources. Iron ore, titanium oxide, vanadium, iron, and perhaps oil are all prevalent in the region. Its territory also has incredibly rich phosphate reserves and has the potential to rank among the top exporters of phosphates globally. Currently Morocco is illegally extracting very large quantity of Western Sahara’s ressources.

How to help?

The situation in Western Sahara is very similar to that in Palestine, yet Saharawis are ignored. Since the majority of people are unaware of this issue, Morocco uses every available means to continue their illicit activities. We should educate ourselves so that one day we can end all of the innocent Saharawi people's suffering and allow them to return to their homes. Unfairness is primarily caused by ignorance. Let's all get educated!

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